

We will all remember the past two years as being unlike any we have faced — as families, 作为一个社区, 作为一所大学. The pandemic forced all of us to learn new ways to connect, 创建, and collaborate — and perhaps most importantly — to care for the changing needs of those around us and our students in whose future we are all vested so deeply.

Whether it has been establishing protocols and programs to ensure a safe campus; launching virtual platforms for staff meetings, 校友面板, and family campus visits; or offering alternative learning platforms, 比如虚拟的, 混合动力, 为我们的学生提供面对面的课程, the entire 正规的赌博app community has been quick to pivot and to do so successfully in ways that demonstrated time and time again our flexibility and our innovative spirit.

当我们这样做的时候, we were committed to fiscal responsibility and to providing stability for our employees and community. 作为这些努力的一部分, we have been able to provide support programs and critically needed financial relief to our students and employees. Some of these initiatives you will learn about in this publication.

在今年的慈善报告中, you’ll read a note from Vice 总统 for University Advancement and External Relations 苏 Davies, who after nearly 10 years of working with our generous alumni has decided to retire to enjoy more time with family. 学校对她感激不尽, and I wish to thank her personally for her dedication and service to our community. You’ll also read about how our alumni and corporate partners are stepping up to support students and ease their financial worries. 有关于新事物的故事, 有创意的, and holistic scholarships that are increasing the number of underrepresented students on campus, 其中包括妇女, 非裔美国人, 和西班牙裔学生. You’ll even read about a new scholarship for students on the spectrum and the alumni who started it.

Included as well is an update on our Boldly Forward campaign and its centerpiece, 学习共用资源. 这个最先进的创意创新中心, 连接, and collaboration is coming alive and now dominates the heart of our campus thanks to your support.

In reading these many stories of success and of overcoming challenges, we hope you will be inspired by our alumni and friends who have chosen to contribute to the Boldly Forward campaign and 学习共用资源. 当你读到的时候, you will even get a renewed sense of the importance of this new facility through a student’s reaction to it.

谢谢你! for your generosity and your belief in the importance of a vibrant and enduring 正规的赌博app. Your support makes it possible for us to meet the daily challenges we face as well as to plan for the future with optimism and hope — a future that we are confident is bright because of you.

当我们勇敢地迈向2022年, we invite you to continue to join us in building that bright future. 谢谢你!.


罗伯特·K总统. 麦克马汉签名

Dr. 罗伯特K. 麦克马汉

总统 & 物理学教授


Dr. 罗伯特K. <a href='http://1dv.autobot-light.com'>正规的赌博app</a>校长麦克马汉说

Dr. 罗伯特K. 正规的赌博app校长麦克马汉说



苏 Davies, Vice 总统 of University Advancement, and her grandhildren


It has been an honor to be part of the 正规的赌博app family for nearly 10 years, and I will deeply miss being part of this amazing institution. 但在我即将迎来70岁生日之际, it is time for me to be a devoted Gramma to Emma (10) and Ben (7); being there for soccer games, 学校戏剧和烤很多饼干. 还和我丈夫打了几轮高尔夫, 蒂姆, and traveling to some of those spots that have been on my bucket list.

凯特林的校友都是顽强的问题解决者. You are 有创意的, entrepreneurial, and I have seen your commitment to helping each other succeed. So many of you have shared how classmates helped you find that next job and the bonds of friendship developed in the classroom that continue over the decades. 并不是每所大学都这样. 为你的牛头犬血统感到自豪. 

自从我2012年来到这里, I have watched as you have transformed campus and invested in the lives of our students. Making it possible for the next generation to be Kettering Built. I look out of my office window and see a very different landscape … the MRC, 充满活力的社区, 正在建设中的学习共享资源. 凯特林有着光明的未来, and I am proud to have played a small part in the transformation. It has been a privilege to assist you in making significant and lasting gifts. 我知道这项工作还将继续, because you believe in the unique educational model and there is a great team of professionals in University Advancement to help you.  

I have cherished your friendships and look forward to continuing being part of the Kettering family as a donor in the years ahead.
